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Policy to Facilitate and Promote Attendance for Shareholders' Meetings

With recognition of the importance and due respect to the right and equality of all shareholders, which include Thai, foreign, minor and institutional investors, AP Thailand and its subsidiaries have established the policy to facilitate and promote the attendance to the shareholders' meeting with the following practices:

  1. Allow shareholders to nominate a list of persons for directorship and to propose meeting agenda in the ordinary meeting of shareholders, including to raise questions about the meeting in advance within the specified time.
  2. Arrange the annual ordinary meeting of shareholders with transparency, efficiency and in line with the law and articles of association. The meeting is to hold within four (4) months after the ending of the Company's accounting year.
  3. Share invitation letters to the meeting of shareholders and supplementary documents at least 30 days before the meeting date through various channels, including news notification through stock exchange and the Company website to ensure shareholders receives explicit, adequate information, and they will have sufficient time to consider the meeting agenda.
  4. Determine meeting date, time, avoiding public holidays. The meeting pattern, whether physical or via electronic media (EAGM), should suit the context according to the Electronic Meeting Act B.E. 2563 and relevant law. In addition, certain technology is applied to the shareholders' meeting, for instance, online registration, sending questions in advance via emails, to ensure the meeting is convenient, fast, accurate and precise.
  5. Shareholders can download the Proxy Form B. and C. including meeting document via the Company website. This is to facilitate those who cannot attend the meeting in person, to allow them to authorize an Independent Director as a proxy holder to act as representative of minor shareholders, or to authorize the other person to attend the meeting and vote under the conditions specified in the proxy form which is in accordance with general law.
  6. All shareholders have equal right to express their opinion or raise questions. The time frame allowed is adequate, sufficient. All significant questions and suggestions from shareholders are recorded fully in the minutes of the meeting.
  7. Notify shareholders the meeting resolution and voting result of each agenda within the meeting date or latest within 9.00 hours of the following date via SETLINK.
  8. Prepare minutes of the shareholders' meeting for submission to the Stock Exchange of Thailand and relevant authority. Disseminated minutes of the meeting via the Company website and through the SETLINK within 14 days after the date of the shareholders' meeting.
  9. The meeting is recorded in video and the voting procedures is also recorded and published on the Company website to facilitate shareholders and external parties who are interested to view the shareholders’ meeting.
  10. Assigned the Company Secretary and Investor Relations as a contact person, to coordinate and facilitate between the Company, shareholders, and investors.